Because all New Yorkers

deserve a good doctor.

All New Yorkers want to be able to take our loved ones to a doctor when they get sick.

And when our insurance has lapsed, or we don’t have the right documents in order, we can always count on the doctors at Health + Hospitals. Whether for a routine check up or as the result of an unexpected emergency, the doctors of H+H are reliable and ready. At Elmhurst, Kings County, Harlem Hospital, and many other locations across NYC, H+H doctors do not discriminate. They treat all patients, regardless of the neighborhood we live in or what we can afford to pay.

During the darkest moments of the pandemic, these healthcare heroes put their lives on the line to save ours. Doctors worked overtime to return our sense of normalcy and continue to step up to serve our healthcare needs.

Now the public hospitals we depend on are under threat. Without adequate funding, there will be no way to replace doctors who retire or those who are forced to make the difficult decision to leave. Those doctors who remain are then pressured to see more and more patients in less and less time, a situation that leads to burnout, high turnover, and breaks in continuous patient care. Whole departments may face closure due to inadequate staffing, leaving everyday New Yorkers with fewer and fewer healthcare options.

“We are fighting to get a fair contract so that we'll be able to retain the doctors that we have, that have stayed in the system, like me, for 30 years and recruit new doctors.”

Dr. Quee
Gotham Health, Belvis

“I am the only Pediatric Physiatrist, a physician who treats disabled children, in the whole H+H system.  So patients travel for hours to and from different boroughs to get to the appointment.”

Dr. Sambataro
Gotham Health, Morrisania

“In the 1980s one physician covered 2,000 calls a day, now one physician covers 6,000 calls a day.  It’s unsustainable.”

Dr. Giordano